It’s interesting being a senior in high school during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a time of great uncertainty. Something no one can control. Sure, the President of the United States, the Governor of NY, and even local politicians have put in policies to help fight the spread of coronavirus, however, it’s inevitable. The Kansas Governor has suspended the school year for all high school students, does that mean NY could be announcing a similar directive in the near future? The prom and graduation we’ve been looking forward to for our entire educational careers. It’s not fair. As President of the Class of 2020, I feel powerless, I try to keep the class informed, but there is only so much I can tell them. Why? Because I don’t know, I don’t think anyone does. I do know that school administrators are not worried about prom or graduation, they’re worried about handing out chromebooks, setting up wifi hotspots, and feeding children that qualify for free or reduced lunch. I completely understa...
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